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Leona Tate, Civil Rights Icon, Talks Modern Protest Movement
It was Nov. 14, 1960 in New Orleans, Louisiana. As a 6-year-old girl, Leona Tate walked past a crowd being held back by police on...

‘We Shouldn’t Be Going Through This After 60 Years’: Civil Rights Pioneers React to Continued Fight
The fight for equality has been going on for years, but the death of George Floyd seemed to be the tip of the iceberg. Now, all around...

Civil Rights Pioneer Leona Tate Is Turning School She Helped Desegregate Into Center for Equality
One November morning in 1960, four first-grade girls broke ground when they set foot in their new schools. Flanked by U.S. Marshals and...

The Leona Tate Foundation Purchases McDonogh 19 School
The Leona Tate Foundation for Change, Inc. (LTFC) and its partner Alembic Community Development recently announced the purchase of the...
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