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Leona Tate Fought Jim Crow at McDonogh 19 School in New Orleans

The back of the closed three-story-tall McDonogh 19 building before being renovated into the TEP Center. A chimney extends from the center of the back wall. On the right side of the empty parking lot, a section of the lot is protected by chain-link fencing; on the left side are two bent and broken basketball goals back-to-back. All of the windows on the building are boarded up.

Leona Tate is still alive.

Gail Etienne is still alive.

Tessie Prevost is still alive.

The three little girls who walked past jeering, catcalling racists on Monday November 14th, 1960 at McDonogh 19 in New Orleans Lower 9th Ward are still alive 60 years later.



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